Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Not far from Home

Living in Madison, WI is not ideal for me. I have lived in the country all most my entire life. Even when I was living in San Antonio, TX I considered myself in the country. This was mainly because I lived just outside the city limits where there was nothing near us for a few miles. But living in Madison I learned that the beauty of the outdoors is never far you just have to look at it.

Trip to Montana

This year was the first year that I visited Montana. There were several sights too see but one of the best ones where in Helena and Kalispell. The entire time I was there I was amazed by how open the state was and by the mountains. Every where you looked there was something interesting to see. 

Welcome to TGL.Photography's blog

With a military background I have traveled all across the world. The most enjoyable moments in life where when I was able to take in the beautiful scenery and the historical sites that each country had to offer. I told myself that I will document each moment the way that I interpret them. This blog is a way for me to share my travels and outdoor experiences to those willing to travel but unable to.